Euphoria Creative
Black Madre
Euphoria Creative
Black Madre
ECD:Marcelo Rizério
CD: Rafael Guth
CW: Bianca Fratus,
Thiago Morales
AD:Edvando Alves,
Henrique Soares
CD: Rafael Guth
CW: Bianca Fratus,
Thiago Morales
AD:Edvando Alves,
Henrique Soares
The refreshing return of the lovebrand that hadn't communicated in over a decade. In the summer of 2024, we ran a 360 campaign for every Brazilian to remember why they love Kibon.
The refreshing return of the lovebrand that hadn't communicated in over a decade. In the summer of 2024, we ran a 360 campaign for every Brazilian to remember why they love Kibon.
we started with a brand new concept and visual identitity
with a powerfull concept "Que bom que tem Kibon" and powerfull visuals,
we entered events and conversations relevant to the Brazilian summer,
such as carnival, beach days and Lollapalooza.
such as carnival, beach days and Lollapalooza.